

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rose Funeral - The Resting Sonata (2009)

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Genre: Deathcore
For fans of: As Blood Runs Black, The Red Shore

Have you ever been having sex or watching porn and you are about to experience the greatest orgasm but then the girl does something that completly turns you off or a dick shows in your face? Thats kind of what this band does on their latest release "The Resting Sonata". Thats not to say this is a bad album at all for it has lots of great things to offer.

The album starts off with some stupid intro of a bunch of flies buzzing over a dead body. With this bands anti-christian thing going on I would assume its Jesus's body. Then the first track called "Sodomizer" comes on and we are faced with some really low brutal growls and some sort of catchy screaming. The whole song manages to be good then the next track comes on which has breakdowns through the whole thing making it have less potential. The chances of you notcing track 4 starts is very low since a long ass breakdown drags into it. Track 5 almost does the same thing but ends up being a slightly better song then the previous 2. Then the title track kicks in which is a nice suprise with some nice chilling violins kicking in. However it all gets taken away once a silly breakdown kicks in.

The second half of the album ends up being the stronger half of the album, and contains my favorite track on the cd known as "Buried Beneath". This track has some very nice harmonies and has lyrical themes of zombies. The final track is also very impressive and eventually goes into a very nice piano section which is very relaxing. Woulda been the perfect way to end the album guessed it......a breakdown kicks in and decides to be the ending factor for the album.

Now that the album has been summed up as being not to bad now we go into the band members. The vocalist is very strong in my opinion he has only 3 styles but it works out well with the way he uses them. He has his high pitched scream which sorta sounds like something you would hear from a melodic death metal band that manages to be very catchy. This is mostly used when the harmonies are being played. Then he has his very low deep growl which is just as impressive. Its very creepy and is mostly used during the breakdowns. Both styles can be understood preatty well at times also then he has his mid level scream which is very rarley used. The guitar player or players have high potential and proove they have talent at certain points of the album. One thing they have a tendency of doing is pulling off a very nice riff but end up ruining it by throwing in a very typical breakdown. The bassist is barley audible but this isn't a suprise at all. Then we have the drummer who I believe is the only original member on this album and apprantly he's fired almost every member that joins. I guess you could say he is preatty good but not really anything suprising.

Overall this isn't a bad album actually its very good to be honest. But its proven to have much more potential when the band actually tries to be creative. The strongest bit is the low growls and the melodic sections it has.

Strong musicianship when trying
Great vocals
Instrumental track is great
Lyrics are decent when not attacking christianity
The next effort could be great
Its jus madly epic with an amazing ending!

And satan said......"let there be breakdowns"
Breakdowns ruin parts with great potential
Breakdowns really annoy me
Did I mention breakdowns?

oh and Anti-christianity is getting kinda old

Overall: 8.5/10 (just cuz the good moments are really good)

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