

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Beneath the Massacre - Dystopia (2008)

Beneath the Massacre - Dystopia
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Genre: Technical Death Metal
For Fans of: Anything fast and "brutal"

I felt like writing a shorter review and I picked this cd since I knew it would be very easy to review. To put it simple this band is fast........well actually very fast. If you listen to even one song its quite obvious the drummer steals the show and its obvious he uses the triple bass. But onto actually talking about the cd itself

The album starts off with a brief moment of silence then going into some really fast gutiar and drum play then the vocalist comes in with his deep rawr. Track 2 dosn't dissapoint then track 4 is a brief moment of creepy silence before starting the 5th song. Dystopia as expected is a constant full on assault of insane riffing and brutal hooks. The only thing the cd lacks is melody but in this genre it really isn't supposed to be there so I guess thats acceptable. The album is really just a straightforward assault that goes on and on and is over within 32 minuetes so its actaully a good thing this album is short. With that said you can't really complain to much about this album unless you want to talk about repetetivness. I know I say this in all my reviews but some of the tracks you wont be able to tell apart mostly cuz you can never understand the vocalist at all. Also the vocalist is very monotone and never raises his pitch on his low growl. Drums are no different always playing constant double bass so you really have to pay most attention to the gutiars which tend to freshen stuff up.

With all that said if you've heared there first cd you've heared this one. You won't find many differences on this album from the other one, but if the first album wasn't enough for you and your craving for more then this album will do you more then that. I must say that my favorite tracks are Condemned, Reign of Terror, Bitter, and No Future. The solos that appear from time to time are also very well executed but like I said I can't promise you this cd is worth the buy unless you really want something with pure "up your ass" brutallity.

Its fast
Its heavy as fuck
Its fast and heavy as fuck
It might make you shit your insides out
Everyone is very talented in the band

They show they can play fast and nothing much more.
Harvest of hate shoulda been longer
I can't really find anything wrong with the cd itself

Overall: 7/10
Buy?: If you loved the first album and want more or never bought the first album give this a try. I bought it and I feel I got what I wanted so I'm satisfied.